
Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Darren

The sun rises over the Wasatch Mountains as it has for centuries. But this day is different for it reveals the throng of hyper, playful children descending upon the Skidmore home like Urukai from the Lord of the Rings Novels. They descend upon us in record number quickly outnumbering the adults. Why have the these blessings of energy come to our home? What is the reason for this insanity? Why today is Darren's birthday party. May the birthday party god have mercy on our souls.

Ok, enough drama. Saturday was Darren's stated birthday party. We invited Darren's friends and classmates from his preschool and his church class. Carmen was afraid that nobody would come and 'break his little heart' but thankfully twenty-one of them came (did I just say that?). And yes, a party with twenty-one guests makes Darren officially more popular at 4 years of age than Carmen or I ever have been... or will be for that matter. A fact that couldn't make us happier. :)

Darren is still into Lighting McQueen (the movie Cars) so fans of red and blue would have enjoyed our back yard. In addition to our trampoline and swing set we had a bean bag game, pin the tail on the donkey, egg races, and the ring toss games for everyone's enjoyment. It is also worth mentioning that Darren's train set was a big hit with the kids also. It took considerable effort to pry some of them away from it (yes Martin, I am looking at you young man).

Darren had a great time with all of his friends. They particularly enjoyed the pinata and the Lightning McQueen themed cupcakes.

So at the end of the day Darren and his friends had a fantastic time, and as a added bonus all twenty-one children went home alive and well. The Skidmore house was victorious against the onslaught.

Do you have any funny birthday stories to share? Feel free to type them in the comments for all to enjoy. Thanks!