
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Better Together: Darren and Daniel Video

Carmen got her creative juices going and put together an awesome video showcasing Darren and I hanging out after my two races last year; the City Creek 8K and the Layton Classic 10K.
Darren was so excited after both races. The 8K pictures are right after the race when we took a walk in the great City Creek Canyon. We paused by a river and tossed rocks in. Darren really got into the rock throwing and then of course he ran down the canyon as fast as he could look for rocks to throw in whenever he saw even a little bit of the river. It was a beautiful day.
After the 10K we also went for a short walk and ended up sitting in the Layton Park. Carmen, Darren, Bebe Giraffe, and I sat and made up stories. On this particular day Darren was telling us about his building. Exciting facts such as how tall it was, what type of rooms is in it. Darren has such an imagination.
Special thanks to Carmen for putting these special pictures together in such a wonderful way.