
Friday, May 25, 2012

2nd Grade, checked!

Well, after a turbulent 2nd grade that felt more like a never ending roller coaster, we can finally sit back and relax! Darren did a great job finishing the school year on a good note. It started off ok, then it got hard and harder and finally he turned it around just in time to end the year. I'm very, very glad Darren was able to make some friends (that he so desperately needed) and was able to actually enjoy going to school. We all learned a TON this year. I think we will be going to 3rd grade better prepared and hopefully his experience will be even better than this year. I feel like now I can have him home safe even when that means less "freedom" for me.
Time for some Summer fun!

Flash back to August 2011, First day of school.

Enjoy your Summer Darren!! You sure earned it!


Birthday Boy

We celebrated Daniel's birthday by going out to one of his favorite restaurants P.F. Chang's. Grandpa was able to join us and we had a lovely dinner together. The food was excellent but the desserts were TINY! (the look on our faces most have been priceless! I guess they weren't kidding when they said "MINI" oh well, my diet says "thank you" :)
Happy Birthday, Daniel! You are an awesome best friend, husband and dad. You make our lives happier and better. I love everything about you, thanks for everything you do for Darren and me <3

Chopstick fighting!
(that lady behind the boys... lol)

Ridiculously MINI desserts (sheesh)


Carnival Fun

Nothing says "Happy Birthday, Daniel" like going to a school carnival on your birthday. I'm sure it wasn't the way he had dreamed of celebrating but Daniel never complained and joined Darren and me after school (what a trooper!!).
Truth is, Darren attended a different school last year and when he saw that his current school had a carnival he was excited to know that the next year he would be able to attend.  He waited a full year and had a blast bouncing around on every inflatable and playing every game they had even when it was close to 90 F.



Last Sunday we had the privilege of witnessing a rare annular eclipse of the Sun. The best spot to watch this was Kanarraville in southern Utah. Instead of doing the long drive we went to Weber State University where they had some telescopes available to the public to watch this rare celestial wonder. They ran out of the special glasses but the telescope was more than enough for us. Daniel was able to take an awesome picture and he was lucky because he aimed at it just right since he was not looking directly at the camera or the Sun. From our position, I believe, the Sun was covered at an 88%. Pretty cool!

Crowd gathered to get a glimpse of the Eclipse

Darren and other kids climbing up and down the hill at the University's Planetarium

 Since we didn't have glasses, they gave us some paper to try to project the image unto it (one of the pieces had a tiny hole on it)

Dan's awesome photo!


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Happy Birthday Darren! You're finally 8!

 After much anticipation, Darren finally got to enjoy his birthday. He almost couldn't sleep last night and woke up really early this morning to open his presents.
I can't believe he's already 8... I've been looking at some of his pictures when he was little and I just don't want him to grow. The world is pretty scary and I want to keep him safe. We have gone through so much and I love this kid more and more every day...Anyway, here's Darren year by year :)

1 Day old (2004)

1 year old (2005)

2 years old (2006)

3 years old (2007)

4 years old (2008)

5 years old (2009)

6 years old (2010)

7 years old (2011)

8 years old (2012)

Opening presents at 6:00am :D


"Hooked" on Fishing

On Monday, May 14, I accompanied the second graders to "Cold Springs Trout Farm" in North Ogden, I honestly didn't know what to expect because we are not the most "outdoorsy" people in this area. I've never gone fishing and Darren has had no experience doing any of this. Still, I was excited for Darren to be able to learn something new.
The kids tried fly fishing and they rotated through different activities all morning long. It was kind of a long day but I'm proud of Darren for doing a great job being patient and participating in the games (even volleyball!!). His has improved so much and even though there were things that normally would have triggered an outburst, Darren did a great job making right choices.
After struggling catching a fish and with the help from a good friend, Darren was able to catch his own fish and bring it home for dinner!
I wish you guys could have seen Daniel's expression when I told him I had a dead fish in a baggie in the fridge waiting to be grilled HAHA.
Darren was so excited to eat it that we couldn't throw it away and we ended up grilling it, skin, head and fins and enjoying it! (Uncle Robbie would have been so proud of us!).
Ah the things we do for the kid :)

Here's the link to the recipe we used to grill the trout, it's called "Grilled Trout with Lemon Butter". Easy and delicious! 


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

There are many women that have influenced our lives over the years. We appreciate them and love them.
All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.

                                                            Abraham Lincoln

 Nedra (Dan's mom/mother in law/grandma) has been and will continue to be a giant figure in Daniel's life. She raised him, she was his teacher, and his example. Always an incredibly hard worker, she always seems to be moving and doing. She also received me when I first arrived, made me feel welcomed and loved and helped me find my way when Daniel and I were  first married.


Carmen (mom/grandma) has been a great example to me of love and sacrifice. As a single mom, she went above and beyond making sure we had what we needed and supported us through college. She is always been there for my sisters and me and her grandchildren. She taught us hard work and to never give up.


(Left-right) Monica, Carmen (me), Carmen (mom), Cynthia

Cynthia (my sister/aunt) has been like a second mom to me. As the oldest of the three, she made sure we were safe when my mom was at work, she fed us dinner that my mom had cooked the night before and when she was old enough she was able to help my mom cook for us...and I will never forget when she cooked those "spinach meals" before realizing she didn't follow the recipe haha.
She's always put Monica and me before her, she cares for us and even when she's far away she always makes sure we don't lack anything. She constantly shows how much she loves us in the things she does for us. She's a great mom to Nikky and a great example of determination as she always accomplishes the things she puts her mind to.


Cynthia and me

I'm also very grateful for the blessing of being a mom to such a wonderful little boy, in spite of the challenges I would never change what I have. Darren has taught me so much and has an unconditional love for me and he shows it often. He has truly brought much joy to our lives. 

Darren and me
