
Friday, February 17, 2012

Trecentillion of Motivation

Sometimes Darren will find something he absolutely loves and he will learn everything, I mean EVERYTHING about it and will make sure you learn it too...he will also give you quizes and never ending conversations about it. Aside from Cosmology, Darren is fascinated by big numbers, like really BIG numbers (if you're thinking million, billion, trillion think again). His vocabulary now consists of the following words: unquinquagintacentillion,octononagintacentillion, googolcentplex, just to name a few... Last week he decided he was going to write a book about big numbers, publish it and get rich (because he "knows" millions of people will want to have this "interesting", never-before-seen book. He's been learning Microsoft Word and he's been typing his book for about a week...all 7 pages :)
He knows he's not allowed to get on the computer in the morning on school days until he's done with breakfast and all of his jobs. 
Yesterday he woke up at 6:40 am, got dressed, FOLDED his pj's , MADE his bed and carefully organized his giraffes ALL BY HIMSELF and WITHOUT being asked. He came to our room and informed me of his plan and how he was so clever because he gave himself a "head start". Maybe your kids will do this on a regular basis but this was one of the most amazing things I've seen Darren do. He can do amazing things when he is motivated. 
Darren had a whole hour extra in the morning to work on his book before he went to school feeling so proud of his accomplishment :)
Copies of his book will be available soon...get ready for the book signing...Move over J.K. Rowling, here comes Darren :)


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