
Monday, February 11, 2008

Dia De Reyes

After New Year's Day the Mexican holiday season is not quite over. On January 6 most of the Hispanic world celebrates El Dia De Los Reyes Magos or the The Day of the Three Wise Men. This holiday remembers the day when the Three Wise Men followed the star to Bethlehem and gave treasured gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh for Baby Jesus. In the past this was the traditional gift giving holiday but as the years have gone by and the influence from the United States has gotten stronger Christmas has become more and more the popular holiday for gift giving.
On January 5 we went to the Mexican bakery (located in Ogden of course) and purchased the traditional Dia De Reyes dessert, Rosca de Reyes, it is an oval sweetbread, decorated with candied fruit. When we arrived home Darren was very impressed stating, "UUUUh, That is a BIG donut!" Carmen and I couldn't stop laughing.
Inside each Rosca is a figurine of Baby Jesus and a lot of symbolism. Further explained below:

"Hidden inside [each] delicious Rosca, a plastic figurine of the Baby Jesus. The Baby is hidden because it symbolizes the need to find a secure place where Jesus could be born, a place where King Herod would not find Him.
Each person cuts a slice of the Rosca . The knife symbolizes the danger in which the Baby Jesus was in.
One by one the guests carefully inspect their slice, hopping they didn't get the figurine.
Whoever gets the baby figurine shall be the host, and invite everyone present to a new celebration on February 2."
Reference here

That night we enjoyed our really "big donut" or Rosca de Reyes with a traditional hot flavored milk called Atole. There are many different flavors of Atole but we enjoyed Strawberry.
Then Darren placed his shoes by the Christmas tree (also a tradition) for the Reyes to leave his present in. Then he ran off to bed. The next day he discovered The Reyes had left him a book and a wrist watch.
The fact that we were celebrating part of Carmen's culture clearly made all of us very happy and we had wonderful time.

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