
Thursday, March 29, 2012

We are "Insane"


Those are some of the newest, most heard phrases at home since Daniel bought the fitness program called INSANITY about a month ago, and it's just as intense and insane as they show it on tv. Shaun T. is the super fit guy in charge of making Daniel throw up (literally) and me want to cry every time I have to do another "burpee". I gotta say we have seen some results but we still struggle with our eating habits UGH. We are trying to eat as clean as we can and make better choices when it comes to carbs. Daniel keeps playing basketball twice a week and I'm still going to the gym, faithfully, every day for about 1 1/2. My knees are in constant pain (which I know it's not good) but my push ups are getting so much better and I feel stronger and happier.
What we love about this workout is that we don't need any additional equipment and you really have to push yourself, seriously, how can you enjoy something that is so hard? but my favorite thing is that I get to do something with my best friend :)
This workout is packed with plyometric drills, non stop strength intervals, power, resistance and core training. Includes 10 DVDs, nutrition plan, fitness guide and a workout calendar. Sweating is 100% guaranteed and free too :)


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