This place seems to have a very unique and comprehensive way to treat children on the spectrum. To be honest, we are mostly thrilled with the idea of a therapist(s) providing services in our own home and at Darren's school. The evil side of me wants to see the reaction of the school's staff when we bring a team of professionals to watch Darren in his own environment, evaluate what they see and write recommendations MWAHAHA...
We are hoping to look more into the packages they offer and get started with some of the therapies (after seeing the fees we would like to suggest lottery tickets in the future for our birthdays ha ha). Even though Darren has really improved A LOT since his Asperger's diagnosis 3 years ago, we feel like we are not doing much progress lately so we wanted to find something that will give us a new sense of direction and hope. It can get pretty stressful around here.
Part of Darren's success will come through loving parents that are prepared and willing to make changes for him so a big portion of the training will be for us, parents. We want to embrace Darren's uniqueness and at the same time help him achieve his potential. He deserves it.
"Exceptional human beings must be given exceptional educational treatment, treatment which takes into account their special difficulties. Further, we can show that despite abnormality, human beings CAN fulfill their social role within the community, especially if they find understanding, love and guidance.”
-- Hans Asperger
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